Social Customer Service: a mindmap of Bill Gerth (Comcast) & Morgan Johnston (JetBlue) presentations to the Burlington VT Social Media Breakfast (#BTVSMB)

[Please welcome a new voice to the Thoughtfaucet blog: Apprentice Entrepreneur Brett Chalupa. He is a freshman college student with exceptional initiative. I hope you value his thoughts and observations as much as I do. –Gahlord] Social customer service was the topic of the March #BTVSMB (Burlington, VT Social Media Breakfast) this past Monday. Social […]

How to delete tags in Gist (some of the time)

I’m making this tutorial because I’m in the process of removing everything from my Gist account. Not because I’m leaving Gist–not by a long shot. But because I had tried to make Gist do a lot more than it was good at. Since Gist doesn’t have a category feature, I tried to make the tagging […]

Notes on Mitch Joel presentation in Burlington, VT: Doom on agencies that just start with pretty websites.

What does Mitch Joel have to say about getting started in social media? Or what about companies that don’t consider analytics early in their process?