Presentation: Improving Social Media via Web Analytics

This presentation was originally prepared for REtechSouth (aka #RETSO). I’ve put the entire slideshow along with some simple commentary here to help those who saw the presentation in person as well as to provide a glimpse in to those who were unable to be in Duluth, GA for the event. Enjoy!

Further detail after the jump.

The formalities of the Improving Social Media via Web Analytics presentation

To get started the presentation does all of the usual stuff: introduces Gahlord Dewald, gives some space to learn about the audience and then gets into the goals and outline.

  1. Intro slide
  2. Audience data-gathering slide
  3. Aligning business goals and social media plan
  4. Presentation outline

Theory useful for measuring social media and making business better

As much as I hate to front-load all this theory stuff, it’s important for us to have a common language if we’re going to really apply this stuff. So here’s where measurement, organization and customer concepts are introduced. Also, thanks to social media, some of these things are a little different online than they have been in the past. That’s discussed as well.

  1. Measuring increases innovative thinking
  2. ROI (return on investment) and preventing insanity
  3. Research to support action
  4. A culture of accountability
  5. The OODA Loop
  6. Reach, Acquisition, Conversion, (Satisfaction)
  7. The funnel is a little disrupted by social media
  8. Less linear, start anywhere
  9. Start where it makes the most sense
  10. Review of boring old theory

Putting theory into practice: measuring social media and improving your business

Getting into the meat of it, we go into specific things to consider and measure in social media. There are some new challenges and some new opportunities.

  1. Observations about Reach
  2. Putting Reach data in context
  3. Observations about Acquisition
  4. Putting Acquisition data in context
  5. Observations about Conversion
  6. Putting Conversion data in context
  7. Observations on Satisfaction
  8. Putting Satisfaction in context

Conclusion: Measuring social media to help align your business goals with the needs of your customers

Hopefully this presentation helps you go out and improve your own social media plan.

4 replies on “Presentation: Improving Social Media via Web Analytics”

  1. Got to this site through your innovative and thoughtful interpretation of Follow Friday on Twitter and discovered this useful, practical and very readable manual on aligning your social media plan with your business goals.

    Terrific job and thanks for sharing!

    Also love the term “thought faucet” – what a well of ideas this must have produced over the years.

  2. Thanks Tim. It was originally prepared as a one-hour presentation for a live audience. I fear some of the live-ness is lost in the online version. But enough is there to get the thinking together.

    Thoughtfaucet has definitely been good to me. 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by.

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