Assemble meaning

There are two general paths for working with Thoughtfaucet: specific deliverables/one-time projects and ongoing consultation.

For complex situations–objectives or methods of achieving those objectives are opaque; rapidly changing environments; new processes or knowledge expansion–commissioning Thoughtfaucet on a monthly basis is most effective:

Commissioning Thoughtfaucet for Reporting and Consulting


One phone/webinar meeting each month, configuration and delivery of reports relevant to the projects at hand, 3 business-day or less response to all emails from commissioning organization and their partners, additional phone/webinar meetings at Thoughtfaucet’s discretion.

Commissioning Thoughtfaucet for Reporting, Consultation and Strategic Content Projects


Making something, two phone/webinar meetings each month, configuration and delivery of reports relevant to the projects at hand, 2 business-day or less response to all emails from commissioning organization and their partners, additional phone/webinar meetings at Thoughtfaucet’s discretion.

Hourly work

Thoughtfaucet does not do hourly work because it discourages clients from communicating for fear of running up the clock.

Specific Deliverable/One-Time Projects

For situations where the objectives and methods are more clear and packageable, there is a fee schedule for common services:

Technology Evaluation, private: $3k

Phone/webinar review of software or technology features and written evaluation. The commissioning organization may not influence the published evaluation. The phone/webinar interview will be recorded and may be delivered in its entirety as well.

Strategic Perspectives Evaluation: $3k

The deliverable for this project is a document outlining strategic objectives of the organization, capabilities of the organization to achieve that objective, and specific direction/guidance derived from Thoughtfaucet’s unique experience and perspective. This document is generated through conversations with the organization and examination of existing documentation of capabilities & objectives.

Website evaluation: $3k

Website review from a technology, search engine optimization, analytics, and business model/operations perspective. A report outlining findings and specific recommendations for technical and non-technical audiences will be delivered.

Technology Evaluation, public: $2k

Phone/webinar review of software or technology features and written evaluation published openly on Thoughtfaucet. The commissioning organization may not influence the published evaluation. The phone/webinar interview will be recorded and may be published in its entirety as well.