Notes on Mitch Joel presentation in Burlington, VT: Doom on agencies that just start with pretty websites.

What does Mitch Joel have to say about getting started in social media? Or what about companies that don’t consider analytics early in their process?

The difference between social media and collaboration

Image by Trypode via Flickr We’ve been reading and creating a lot of chatter about “social media” for the past few years. And for the past year it’s been incessant non-stop cacophony about Twitter and Facebook and gurus and is-blogging-relevant-anymore and Foursquare and so on. Non-stop. In all that chatter it’s been easy to miss […]

Website redesign SEO checklist

I want to migrate my site from one domain over to a new domain and I want to make sure that all of the inbound links that pint to the old URL get redirected properly without impacting our PR. I’m also a little concerned about how my new information architecture will impact the SEO. What should I do to help keep my SEO after my site redesign?