- Image by joespake via Flickr
You may have noticed that Thoughtfaucet got a new homepage. For the next week I’m sending visitors to my most viewed page to a site that isn’t on Thoughtfaucet.com. Why? Because I want to offer some help for someone who has been a long time supporter of me. Giving up my homepage for a week seems a pretty small thing for me to do for someone who was among the very first to encourage and support my first forays into business use of social media.
The details are all available via the Thoughfaucet homepage (if you’re reading this from the Thoughtfaucet blog just click the “Thoughtfaucet Makes Things” text in the nav).
Conducting this program gives me the chance to make as much good from a crumby situation as I can:
- A friend is directly helped.
- Someone may have the opportunity to use my services at a discount.
- The software running the auction, Winwinapps, is built by a friend, so I’m able to give some feedback to her on her new tool.
- I get to test the SEO impact of “losing” my homepage for a week. You’ll get to hear about it too.
- The multitude of tangential benefits that come from doing the right thing.
If you are unable to participate in the auction as a bidder, please help me spread the word as far as possible. That helps a ton too. We’ve already started to receive bids and my hope is that we at least make it to my normal rate by the time next Thursday rolls around and the bidding is closed.