Why Apple’s new creation will be free.

Image via Wikipedia [Update: I was, of course, wrong. iPad costs $500-$800 depending on configuration options, data plans are $15 or $30 per month depending on download volume, data contracts can be canceled any time–no lock in on them.] I think the new iTablet/iSlate/iPad thing will be free. All the current predictions for something that’s […]

Example: Customizing Widget for a Tradeshow

Image by gahlord via Flickr One of my clients makes awesome wool hats here in Vermont. These hats are made-to-order and very customizable. There are over 650,000 variations possible, not including adding different team names, for just one style of hat. I’m not joking. Very customizable. The problem with this level of customization, of course, […]

Contest: Why you like doing business in Vermont in 500 Words or Less.

This week I’m running a contest. The winner will get a free ticket to Burlington Social Media Breakfast #4 on February 1. The speakers are Adrian Ho of Minneapolis’ Zeus Jones and Rebecca Thorman from Alice.com, a consumer packaged goods ecommerce site and platform. I think this BTVSMB is going to be great because these […]

Using Social Media to Create Face-to-Face Opportunities

Image by gahlord via Flickr Here’s a tactic for organizations scrambling to make sense of social media and figure out the ROI or the relevant policies required to sustain social marketing efforts. This post was inspired by cyskoff’s comment on Jeremiah Owyang’s Matrix: Breakdown of Advocacy Marketing. You can either go deep with it or […]

Scaling social media in ten steps.

Image by Getty Images via Daylife In a hurry? The ten steps for scaling social media are in list-format at the bottom of this post. One of the common laments of companies trying to leverage social media is that it can take a lot of time and resources. If you or your employees are on […]

Realtor.com RE.net conference call/webinar featuring Gahlord Dewald

Image via CrunchBase Gahlord will be speaking on the Realtor.com blogger conference call this coming Thursday. Audie Chamberlain says it best: “We’re excited that Gahlord will be sharing some great insight and education on how to use web analytics make life better for Realtors and their clients.” Dewald will be presenting on specific analytics reports […]

Two Yoast google-analytics-plugin hacks for WordPress

Image by Getty Images via Daylife I love WordPress. And I love Yoast’s Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It makes installation of GA so much swifter. And I really hate hacking plugins because that means I have to be careful when I upgrade them. But there are two things that really stick in my craw: […]