What to do if you don’t have room for an H1 tag, visually in your website design.

Image via Wikipedia I had a blast at the HomeQuest/FATCo/PHATCO event in Portland. I’ve got about three or four followup posts to write, based on questions. But to start off I wanted to address this one about web design (I’m teaching my weekly web design class tonight so it’s top of mind for me). A […]

Example: Customizing Widget for a Tradeshow

Image by gahlord via Flickr One of my clients makes awesome wool hats here in Vermont. These hats are made-to-order and very customizable. There are over 650,000 variations possible, not including adding different team names, for just one style of hat. I’m not joking. Very customizable. The problem with this level of customization, of course, […]

Using Social Media to Create Face-to-Face Opportunities

Image by gahlord via Flickr Here’s a tactic for organizations scrambling to make sense of social media and figure out the ROI or the relevant policies required to sustain social marketing efforts. This post was inspired by cyskoff’s comment on Jeremiah Owyang’s Matrix: Breakdown of Advocacy Marketing. You can either go deep with it or […]

Happy Halloween: Dogsharks Macabre

I spent the past several weeks working on this Dogsharks cartoon, writing and recording the music (based on Saint-Saens‘ Danse Macabre) as well as working on timing out the drawings and camera movements etc. Hope you enjoy it! If you like this one, perhaps you’ll like some of the others over at the main site […]