Data, unique visits for three real estate aggregation sites according to

Sometimes, when evaluating size and scope of market, it’s useful to look at the volume of traffic for some bellwether sites. In the US real estate industry, those bellwethers would be Trulia, Zillow and Here are some graphs of their yearly traffic for 2012 as gathered from’s SiteAnalytics product:

Introducing the flowgraph

As I’ve been messing around with a pile of event data for Twitter I’ve been mulling over aspects of visualizing the data in a way that helps to unlock the meaning and insights contained in that data. Along the way I’ve come up with a new way of visualizing data and I’d love your thoughts […]

Inman’s Real Estate Connect and Agent Reboot NYC 2013 Twitter Hashtag, streamlined

Some friends and clients of mine asked me to streamline the Twitter channel for Inman News’ Agent Reboot and Real Estate Connect conferences. Here is the streamlined hashtag. Please note that none of the retweets in this stream should be construed as endorsements or non-endorsements. I simply retweeted items from the main hashtag which contained […]

Skip to the good part.

Thoughtfaucet launches premium content Thoughtfaucet is launching premium content to help streamline delivery on a range of topics that Gahlord is asked about frequently. Content will be available in pay-per-post and as an “Everything” yearly subscription. The first item available is a conversation on Social Strategy, Tactics and Measurement that took place between Gahlord and […]