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[iframe src= width=”100%” height=”450″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/199597973&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true”] I’m starting in on the 100-day project and doing an audio thing.  

Be helpful.

I was about to go through a process where I would quit following over 450 people. I had face-to-face relationships with some of them. I was doing this in the name of being helpful. A few years back I wrote an article that continues to resonate. It’s read, tweeted, facebooked and spread around. It’s about […]

People first, technology second.

Lauren Glenn Davitian taught me about facilitation and developing a helpful manner around technology. She recently received a lifetime achievement award from the Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network. If you’ve ever enjoyed the way I talk about technology or work with people on technology it’s really because of things I learned from Lauren Glenn. Shortly after […]

Introducing the flowgraph

As I’ve been messing around with a pile of event data for Twitter I’ve been mulling over aspects of visualizing the data in a way that helps to unlock the meaning and insights contained in that data. Along the way I’ve come up with a new way of visualizing data and I’d love your thoughts […]

Social Media and Government, a mind map of a panel discussion

I just returned from an event hosted by Amanda Levinson titled “#BTVMayor: How Social Media is Redefining Politics” and as can be expected when you get a bunch of smart people in a room and give them a topic in which they are directly involved, many great insights and thoughts were shared. I made a […]

A template for building community on Twitter

One of the things I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is the question “Where do you listen to?” That isn’t a typo. The place you listen to informs the questions you hear. I think the questions I hear make a big difference in what I think about and the problems I learn to solve. […]

Vermont Women’s Business Center: Making a website in a handful of hours.

One of my recent “Take Gahlord to Lunch” clients was the Vermont Women’s Business Center. They were in a tough situation with their website. Hackers had managed to destroy their existing website leaving them with no way to update their constituents about upcoming events. Redesign and development of a website without the benefit of planning […]