100 Days of Bass: 47 and Louis Johnson

I wasn’t going to get into the slap bass until after 50 on 100 Days of Bass, but I just heard that slap bass original, Louis Johnson, passed away. So here’s a line with some slap, nowhere near as good as Johnson but it’s here all the same.


In addition to the work he did with his brother in the appropriately named Brothers Johnson (Stomp, for example), he played on a bunch of things from the 80s that you’ve heard and danced to.

Excerpt of “Rivers and Lakes” Day 39 of 100 Days of Bass

A line that is part of a song I’m working on for my band, Made by Robots (site isn’t really done at the time I set this link, maybe sometime in the future, the poor cobbler’s son).


A little 7/8 for 100 Days of Bass.

Youtube, SEO, search, and conversion

A graphic showing how to align your business systems to get more value out Youtube.
Align your business systems with the way YouTube and Google work in order to increase the return on your video efforts. Yep, you can click it.

A client of mine was wondering how best make use of Youtube in their thought leadership initiatives. This is something I’ve worked on for clients in several industries. There are several things at play: first  Continue reading “Youtube, SEO, search, and conversion”