Satisfaction–everything’s going right and you want to keep it that way. What are some things you can do to increase satisfaction?
You can use survey tools like 4q to find out whether people were able to accomplish their task on your site or not. Super helpful for making improvements and seeing things from the point of view of your customer.
You want to know what people are saying about you online as well. There are a lot different reputation tools online as well. Google Alerts is the poor-mans reputation management tool. There are others like Radian6 or Alterian’s SM2 tools too.
Measuring individual influence is another thing that might be a good idea. Using something like Klout can help you get a sense of how influential an individual really is on Twitter, so you don’t have to rely on the raw follower count.
Remember, there’s people who will never be your customer but might say a lot of nice things about you. It’s even nicer when they’re influential. I mean, if you want to be calculated about it…
Also, social sites often have a way to express a level of satisfaction though a “like” button or a “star” button. Or maybe a recommendation system like on LinkedIn. All of those are satisfaction items you can measure.
- Go to the previous slide: Putting Conversion data in context
- Go to the main presentation page: Getting Started, Getting Better: Improving your social media via web analytics.
- Go to the next slide: Putting Satisfaction in context

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