Talking about web analytics at Blogworld

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[This post is a preview of my October 15, 4pm Blogworld presentation on web analytics. For further detail click the speaker badge or the link in the next paragraph.]

In a couple days I’m going to have a little over one hour to talk to Blogworld attendees about web analytics. In previous public sessions at Inman, BarCamp, VT3.0, Web Analytics Wednesdays and others I’ve tried to stay pretty basic and introductory or focused on a very specific aspect, like measuring social media.

This one is going to be a little different. We’ve got an hour. And I’m going to talk as fast as I can while still being comprehensible. I’m thinking I might pack some coffee from Speeder and Earl’s and drink a whole pot right before the presentation.

What we talk about together is going to depend a little bit on the needs of the physical audience: we’re making things people like. But here are some topics in the slides I’ve prepared:

  • Understanding and using traffic source info to find your best sources of new (and returning) visitors.
  • Learning to identify what makes one visitor “higher quality” than another (even though they may both be outstanding individuals).
  • Situations where you don’t want to employ web analytics.
  • Developing a web analytics practice within your organization, even if you are the entire organization.
  • Making creative and editorial decisions that are informed by your best web visitors.
  • Technical mumbo-jumbo about goal conversions and ROI in plain English with a simple spreadsheet.
  • Methods for tracking social media and other off-site web marketing activity.
  • Methods for tracking real-world and old media via web analytics.

I’m going to do my best to leave regular blocks of time throughout the hour for a question or two. So bring your stickiest messiest web analytics and blogging/website development questions. If you’re really intrepid, bring your login and password and we can do an on-the-spot analysis.

For Twitterheads, click here to follow me during the conference. If you can’t make the conference, feel free to submit your questions via the contact form on this site and/or use the #g hashtag on Twitter and I’ll get to them.