This online event already happened. Probably be a followup post in awhile. If you don’t want to miss things like this in the future, add yourself to the notification list by filling out the form at the bottom of this post.
This Sunday I’m going to be training the Thoughtfaucet Apprentices to use Gist, a social CRM tool. Since I’m going to be training them anyway, we thought it would be fun to let you sit in as well.
Sunday March 13, 3PM Eastern
Learn how to use to be more helpful for your customers
The last Apprentice Lab was very popular and I expect this one to be as well, so…
Register Register Register (read that in the “Monster Truck Show” voice)
Some things we’ll be covering include:
- Entering contacts into Gist
- Who should you enter into Gist?
- How should you organize your contacts in Gist?
- Using Gist to listen and help
Getting serious about customer relationships, with Gist.
When I presented at BHGREFusion back in February I stayed to watch the final keynote by Keith Ferrazzi, author of Who’s got Your Back. Ferrazzi really nailed a few concepts for me.
One of the big lightbulbs for me, was when he said something like “How come none of the CRM (customer relationship management) software out there has a field in it for strength of relationship?” It’s so true and dead on.
An entire industry of contact management and sales management software masquerading as existing to further strategies centered on the “customer relationship” yet you can’t find anything beyond a vague “notes” field that allows you to track, identify and sort contacts based on the strength of your relationship with them.
Guess what? Gist doesn’t either. But I’ve got a handy workaround to deal with this. I’ll be talking about my handy workaround in this training.
So if you’re a Keith Ferrazzi fan (and I have to confess that I’m becoming one) you’ll learn how to make Gist work for you. If you’re not a Keith Ferrazzi fan you’ll learn how to track, identify and sort contacts based on the strength of your relationships.
This sort of thing is where the rubber meets the road in social business. I’m happy to be training my apprentices on this sort of thing and I hope you’ll join us to make it even better.
I hope you join us, should be fun and productive.
Register Register Register (you know, like “Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! We’ve filled the Fargodome with six inches of muuuuud!”)
[contact-form 8 “Live Webinar”]
The Thoughtfaucet Apprentice Lab training will probably make a great prequel to the interview by T.A. McCann (Gist’s Founder) with Keith Ferrazzi. That’s next Wednesday (you can read that in a normal voice, though).

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