Thoughtfaucet is excited to announce the return of Web Analytics Wednesday to Burlington Vermont on April 13th 2011 6pm-8pm at 156 Bistro.
Basic schedule of the evening is like so:
- 6:00 pm: Hang out, check in, network
- 6:30 pm: Brief presentation: “Measuring the success of a Webinar” by Gahlord, Liz and Brett of Thoughtfaucet
- 7:00 pm: Back to hanging out and catching up
Web Analytics Wednesday is one of the great Burlington events that gets all of us from the digital realm into the real world to talk about the web in terms that are measurable, actionable and surprisingly understandable. WAW is perfect for:
- Professional web analytics practitioners
- Business owners hoping to learn more about web analytics
- Students and professionals looking to add skills
The BTV WAW scene has traditionally been exceptionally friendly and helpful. Attendance has always included a mix of agency, in-house, small business and education people. In short, if you are at all wondering if you can hang with these geeks the answer is: yes, you can.
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I think any chance you have to get together with like-minded people, good things happen. I’m looking forward to the event!