Days of Bass: 81

Today, as a variation, I spent the day mixing a bassline I recorded yesterday with my band. It’s different from coming up with a new thing. Instead, I was focusing very intensely on the line itself and how it fits with everything else — or doesn’t as the case may be. Definitely useful to do […]

Days of Bass: 73

Today’s 100 days of bass entry features the band I’m in: Made by Robots. It’s a practice session so thanks to the band for letting me use this today.

Bass: 72/100

Today’s 100 Days of Bass entry features a modular synth patch I cooked up yesterday. I’m calling it “electricaliope.” It uses a bunch of wires to connect a resonant filter called Sisters, through a Euclidean rhythm generator to control how the resonances work, plus some attenuverters to change the pitches at which the filters resonate. […]